About tipping

When we take your order over the phone, we never ask you about adding a tip. When you order and pay online you do have an Option to leave a tip. We do not preset any minimums or ask for it, because we never want you to feel obligated. HOWEVER, so you know, 100% of tips received go directly to Bill.

I have kept Bill’s wages at the same level as when he was working before the shop closed. I was fortunate to receive PPP assistance that helped me to do this, and that extra support is coming to an end. I want Bill to continue to receive a livable wage, but sales are down and it will soon be a challenge for me to pay for more than the hours he works. So, I ask, if you feel it is warranted and can afford to, please tip what you can when you can.  If ordering over the phone, tell us if you want to add a tip to your total. ….. Thank you Much – Kateri

p.s. Since the original post I learned that Square does not provide opportunity to Tip when placing a “Shipping” order. My work around: There is now a “Tipping” item that you can add to your cart, in the quantity and denomination you choose. Your support is Greatly appreciated!